Abiteks is a leading sourcing company. Leveraging over 38 years of fashion sourcing, we drive our business with innovation, technology and creativity. We are committed to operational excellence, design and innovation, to create better efficiency and create value for our customers.
Our vision is to constantly pursue new ways of working to deliver value to our customers.
Thanks to our market knowledge, 38 years experience, and adaptation of new technologies, we constantly serve our customers to respond quickly to evolving market, production trends and consumer preferences.
We explore and reach the best players in the supply chain.
Our business concept is manufacturing fashion at best quality and at best price for our customers .
We believe constant improvement and innovation. We try to create an ecosystem to enact change in the supply chain for the benefit of our customers and business partners.
We are proud to be a part of WWF’s Green Office project, adapting sustainability as a never-ending work in progress.