Access to a clean and healthy environment was proclaimed as a fundamental human right
A historic resolution was passed by the General Assembly UN: Access to a clean and healthy environment was proclaimed as a fundamental human right.
The UN General Assembly adopts a resolution that declares access to a clean and healthy environment a universal #HumanRight
Fifty years later, the right to "an environment whose quality enables people to live in dignity and well-being," articulated since the 1972 Stockholm Declaration, has found its rightful place.
Constitutions, national laws and regional agreements On July 28, 2022, a historic General Assembly resolution UN was adopted: Access to a clean and healthy environment was proclaimed as a fundamental human right. Of the member countries, 161 countries, including Turkey, spoke in favour. While Russia, China, Belarus, Iran, Syria, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Kyrgyzstan abstained, the vote against was never cast.
UN Environment Director Inger Andersen said:"The recognition of this right is a victory we should celebrate.
Building on the 1972 Stockholm Declaration, this decision is now where it belongs, being incorporated into constitutions, national laws and regional agreements. Universal Recognition."
According to the resolution, published in the General Assembly UN, it is expected to lead to sustainable and environmentally friendly actions in member states and strengthen governments' responsibilities.